If you’re looking to up your skills as a content planner for your business, here are a few tips to creating the best social media posting schedule.
Keyword(s): content planner
Today 72% of all Americans use social media to connect.
If you want your business to succeed, you have to meet your customers where they are, and where they are is online. You need to develop solid accounts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram in order to connect with and grow your customer base.
This article will teach you how to be an excellent content planner and ensure all of your social channels run smoothly.
1. Audit Your Social Media Sites
Before you can build a social media plan for your company, you need to find out what’s working and what’s not.
You can do this by performing an audit on all your social media sites. Go back and look at your old posts. Record which ones got the most engagement. Make note of what kinds of posts get your audience sharing and communicating with you.
This is the type of content you want to focus on moving forward.
2. Understand Peak Social Times
If you want to become a master content planner you need to understand how social media users operate.
There are peak times to post on social media to get the most engagement.
For instance, Wednesday is the best day to post on Facebook, while Sunday is the worst day. Knowing this information could cause you to save important updates to go up on Wednesdays during the peak hours of 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Facebook is different than Twitter and Instagram when it comes to user demographics. Therefore you will need to know each site and target the audiences differently.
3. Create a Calendar
If you want to post consistent content, it’s best to plan your days in advance.
Do this by starting a content calendar. This calendar will include what posts you want to put on which sites and when.
Your calendar can also sync up with your business’s calendar so you know when to promote new sales or deals your company is doing.
4. Be Responsive
It’s not enough to just throw up content and then call it a day.
In order to build your brand, you need to be responsive to comments and questions posted to your social media sites. This might mean working extra hours to communicate with customers. Remember that just because your business is closed doesn’t mean the internet is.
Never leave comments lingering on social media. Always acknowledge questions politely, and if you don’t know an answer, tell them you’ll get back to them as soon as possible.
This responsiveness will build trust among your customers and keep them as loyal followers of your social media sites.
Now You Know How to Be an Awesome Content Planner
Being a content planner means staying on top of the pulse of social media.
This can be difficult as trends are always changing. It can be tough to know how much content to most and how often.
We are here to help. We offer social media management services that can increase your revenue by 60%. Learn more about how we can help here.