Let’s face it…if you own your own company, you really don’t have a lot of time to focus on making your Facebook page “better”. And what does that really mean? More likes, or more messages? It is different for each company, but we do know that in 2017, Facebook is giving the largest digital advertising platforms a run for their money! So you should probably learn a couple things about how to maximize your campaign dollars.
Facebook Advertising can be tough. And it’s getting tougher every day. As more advertisers realize the potential and jump onboard, the increased competition can quickly turn a winning ad into a money-waster.
I still learn new, surprising things with every new campaign I create. In the end, however, the success of a Facebook Ad comes down to just two critical elements:
- Great design (attracts users’ attention while creating the desire for your product)
- Laser-focused targeting (displays your ad only to an audience of potential customers)
These strategies are the most effective tips I’ve learned about creating amazing Facebook Ad Designs that will excite, and entice users to buy your product or service!
#1 – An Ad showing a person performs nearly 2 times better than an ad with an illustration! Wow. There are 100s of sites that offer free stock images, like Great design. Find one that matches your company’s campaign, and TEST. Do not just design one ad, design at least FOUR. Once you find out which one performs best after at least 4 days of running your campaign, put your most money on the ad that has the statistics to back it up….
#2 – Make sure you do NOT choose the entire state of California to advertise to. How old is your target audience? What are their interests, do they have children, do they workout…it’s endless. Rule of thumb: find out what characteristics your top 2 customers have, and go find 100 more like that!
Final thoughts.
Keep it simple. Great design, and the right market will get you results!
If you are looking for an example of a great Facebook Ad design, we can help!